Parental Alienation – Part 1
First in a series - Claire James explains "Parental Alienation," where a parent intentionally damages the child’s relationship with the other parent and turns the child against that other parent.
What About Alimony? Spousal Maintenance in Texas
Family Law attorney Claire E. James explains how Texas treats and/or limits post-divorce spousal maintenance by restricting eligibility, requiring spouses to work toward financial independence, and capping the amount and duration of payments.
Marital Property Basics
Claire James explains and compares the basic elements of community property and separate property in the state of Texas.
The Advantages of a Prenuptial Agreement and What to Expect
Marriage presents the opportunity for many changes in lifestyle and status - and it can also include potential risks. Regan Wish explains how a prenuptial agreement is a great way to keep the risks of marriage to a minimum.
Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part 2
Family Law attorney Claire James continues her series on parenting with a high-conflict ex. Here, she outlines five ways to minimize drama.
Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part1
Is your Ex a narcissist? While research indicates only 0.5% to 5% of people actually have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, "high-conflict coparents" share traits with narcissists, and their behavior frequently leads to child custody litigation.
Fathers’ Rights: Summer Possession Schedules and Maximizing Time with Your Children
While divorced fathers generally see their children less during the school year (than do divorced mothers), summer provides a great opportunity for fathers to spend more quality time with their children. Family Law attorney Jack Beesely explains the Summer Possession Period and options in Texas.
Child Custody Basics in Texas
Family Law attorney Claire James outlines the essential basics of child custody in Texas, including explaining the differences between conservatorship and possession.
Fathers’ Rights: Living Close to Your Ex to Benefit from the Texas Family Code’s Expanded Standard Possession Order
Jack Beesley outlines father's rights in relation to the Texas Family Code’s expanded Standard Possession Order .
Collaborative Divorce: A Better Alternative to Divorce
When I tell people I am a divorce lawyer, a common response is, “Wow, I am so sorry, that’s tough.” My legal practice area often elicits such a response from […]
Cowles Thompson Welcomes Family Law Attorney Julie Aguilar
Dallas, TX (April 24, 2023) — Cowles & Thompson, P.C. is pleased to welcome Julie Aguilar to the firm. Julie is a Shareholder in the Family Law and Commercial […]
A Grandparent’s Rights in Texas
Custody disputes aren’t always between two parents. Sometimes, a dispute arises between parents and a grandparent regarding custody (“conservatorship”) or visitation (“possession”) of a child. For example, a grandparent might […]
Texas House Bill 803 and the Downsides of “Equal Parenting Time”
If you ask most parents what they value most, they will say their children. Perhaps, then, it is not surprising that many parents facing divorce or separation are most concerned […]
Cowles Thompson Welcomes Family Law and Collaborative Divorce Attorney Lené Alley DeRudder
Dallas, TX (April 6, 2021) –– Cowles & Thompson, P.C. is pleased to welcome Senior Counsel Lené Alley DeRudder. Lené joins the Family Law and Corporate/Business Law practice groups and […]