Parental Alienation – Part 1
First in a series - Claire James explains "Parental Alienation," where a parent intentionally damages the child’s relationship with the other parent and turns the child against that other parent.
What About Alimony? Spousal Maintenance in Texas
Family Law attorney Claire E. James explains how Texas treats and/or limits post-divorce spousal maintenance by restricting eligibility, requiring spouses to work toward financial independence, and capping the amount and duration of payments.
Marital Property Basics
Claire James explains and compares the basic elements of community property and separate property in the state of Texas.
Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part 2
Family Law attorney Claire James continues her series on parenting with a high-conflict ex. Here, she outlines five ways to minimize drama.
Is Your Ex a Narcissist? Parenting with a High-Conflict Ex, part1
Is your Ex a narcissist? While research indicates only 0.5% to 5% of people actually have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, "high-conflict coparents" share traits with narcissists, and their behavior frequently leads to child custody litigation.
Child Custody Basics in Texas
Family Law attorney Claire James outlines the essential basics of child custody in Texas, including explaining the differences between conservatorship and possession.
Pandemic Parenting in Two Homes
During the first month of 2022, Texas schools reported over 190,000 new COVID-19 cases among Texas schoolchildren. With the Omicron strain of COVID-19 spreading rampantly, many divorced or separated parents […]
A Grandparent’s Rights in Texas
Custody disputes aren’t always between two parents. Sometimes, a dispute arises between parents and a grandparent regarding custody (“conservatorship”) or visitation (“possession”) of a child. For example, a grandparent might […]
Child Custody Basics
For parents considering divorce or separation, the impact on the children is of paramount importance. For parents who are already divorced or separated, conflicts between co-parents can lead to custody […]
Can I Be Married Without Knowing It? Myths and FAQs on Common-Law Marriage
Myths about common-law marriage abound. For example, urban legend says if you live with a romantic partner in Texas for at least 7 years, you are common-law married. Others believe […]
Dallas Residential Real Estate Trends that Don’t Favor Buyers
By Tony Mallers, Claire James, and Gracen Daniel
The Dallas-Fort Worth housing market is at a record high. On April 27, […]
Texas House Bill 803 and the Downsides of “Equal Parenting Time”
If you ask most parents what they value most, they will say their children. Perhaps, then, it is not surprising that many parents facing divorce or separation are most concerned […]
Family Matters: An Overview of Child-Related Issues in Family Law Cases
By Tony Mallers, Claire James, and Gracen Daniel
At some point in time, a person may find themselves in the family […]
Co-Parenting in the Age of COVID-19
For divorced or separated parents, COVID-19 presents many co-parenting challenges. Some co-parents had operated well under their current court orders until COVID-19 disrupted the routine, causing conflict. For other […]